Following up on last week’s entry, below are some entries that have been submitted by some of my co workers. They all have great thoughts to share.


Manny Moreno (Analyst, Media Analytics)

The best way to reach consumers in 2015 will be to hit them wherever they pay attention. As media consumption grows in complexity and fragmentation, the winners will be advertisers who consistently deliver compelling messages with a clear value proposition across all touch points. Consumers make no distinction between paid and unpaid media – they only see content. Once we stop thinking in 30-second slots and 300x250s we will be able to provide communication that is mutually beneficial and that ultimately fosters better relationships.

And attribution (through data) will be the key to making sense of an increasingly convoluted space.


Vic Ruvolo (Svp, Group Media Director)

My hope is that in 5 years consumers will TELL US how to reach them. We’ll know from tracking technology available, where, when and with what message to reach them.  In addition, they’ll tell us if they prefer to hear our message from us, experts, or their friends and family.


Lindsey Bono (Assistant Media Planner)

Although this generation is technology-inclined, connected, and educated, they are also becoming desensitized to conventional advertising.  Advertisers should focus on whom they are reaching and build lasting relationships with these consumers.  They should engage with their audience, give them a face, something tangible that consumers can feel connected to.  New technology is used as a way to “be connected” at all times.   Advertisers must tap into this desire of “instant connection” by reaching their audience in places they are everyday, a bus stop, a sidewalk, etc.  They need to surprise consumers by connecting with them in personal and innovative ways. 


Nick Rane (Assistant Media Planner)

Trust: the ever elusive holy grail for all advertisers. What is the inherent value in a consumer who is forced to sit through paid messaging in order to access their intended content? The best way to reach consumers in the near future will be through the distribution of thoroughly useful, educational, and/or entertaining content which can be consumed voluntarily by the audience. Customers become loyal advocates as their trust in the brand increases. Building that coveted trust is a matter of proving that the brand has intentions beyond the bottom line while maintaining the customer’s best interest as the priority.


Jen Beio (Media Planner/my partner on the “100 words” project) (

Five years from now, I’m hoping we’ll be of the mindset that providing relevant information to information-seekers yields greater returns than screaming our messages at the masses.
I’m sure we’ll still be buying SuperBowl spots and wallpapering Times Square with glittering, high-def awareness messaging. I hope we’ll also be continuing to use the internet to do more refined listening to consumers, to active information-seekers, and carefully and respectfully distributing relevant content as such. With major media channels becoming less passive, we need to proactively step away from old-timey objectives and instead provide interested consumers with the information they actually need.


Thanks to all who participated! Anyone who has thoughts to share on this subject are welcome to contribute below.

The Future of Media in 100 Words – Entries from Co-Workers:
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