There are few things more appealing than a truly novel idea. A new way of working together, a new product to buy, a new initiative to launch – “new” certainly gets lots of attention, and rightly so. Thinking about novel
Introverts, Extroverts and Human Limitations
One theme for my blog that has developed over time is the way in which human limitations affect the way we conduct business. The link below will lead you to some examples of my thoughts on the subject. This
The Problem of Induction
Over the last few weeks I have enjoyed reading Nassim Taleb’s Fooled by Randomness. The core premise of the book is that randomness plays a larger role in our lives than we think – and if we’re not careful we
Evernote vs Google Wave
Last week I started using the program Evernote to share weekly status updates with each member of my work team. The whole thing started after I picked up David Allen’s ‘Getting Things Done.’ Reading about Allen’s intoxicatingly thorough system of personal organization sort of set me on an organization kick.