I recently read The Power of Pull by John Hagel III – in short, it’s a hokey book about how the Internet has changed the world. Usually I’m a complete sucker for this kind of material and I’ve happily read
Fads vs. Sustainable Technologies – Predictions for the Future
With the recent flurry of online innovation and high profile tech IPO’s – it almost feels like we’re on to round two of the dot-com boom. However, amid all of the flashy new apps, tech start ups, and hyped IPOs,
Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day
There was an article published by Atlantic Magazine back in August 2008 entitled “Is Google Making us Stupid?” (http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2008/07/is-google-making-us-stupid/6868/) The article, in short, ponders the side effects of the information age which allows us to find facts easily and quickly,
Things that Technology Can Not Replace
Strolling through Park Slope this afternoon, perusing the boutiques and dodging baby strollers on the snow-lined sidewalks, I noticed a vacant ad poster on the side of a corner store. I imagine the posting ordinarily housed an ad for liquor
Can Openers
When I was 10 I cut my thumb badly trying to fix our electric can opener. It was a tall white appliance, about the size of a loaf of bread standing on its end. A remarkable machine really – it