Just a short thought for today.
This past weekend I took a short vacation down to South Carolina with family and friends. We stayed in a large rental property in a beachside retirement community. The weather was beautiful and the whole weekend was really great.
For me, one of the highlights was a long run early on Saturday morning around the community golf course and down the beach. It was very peaceful: birds chirping, the gentle sound of the waves lapping on the sand.
As I ran, all around the small community I saw handfuls of retirees just starting to emerge from their large homes. Walking dogs, playing golf, practicing on the putting green. They looked content, satisfied with their well-earned lifestyle.
Watching them in their leisure activities I couldn’t help but wonder what they had accomplished during their lives. What had they done to earn the exclusive privileges of this gated community? Were they doctors, lawyers? Did they work in business or real estate? As I ran by I tried to look at each person individually. I thought perhaps if I looked hard enough I might be able to catch a glimmer of their past.
As I ran, I thought more. What would I have to accomplish in my life for me to feel comfortable in retirement? What impact would I have to make on the world for me to feel content playing golf every day and simply enjoying nature?
I’m really not sure, but I’d like to figure it out.
That’s my thought for the week.